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HB Software

Quick Order Entry

In this chapter we describe the SmartTrade Quick Order Entry functionality. With this functionality users are able to quickly do order entry when customers are still on the phone. It directly can show availability and prices for products within the filters.


The SmartTrade Quick Order Entry functionality can be used simultaneously with order forms of order entry.

SmartTrade Setup

The SmartTrade Quick Order Entry functionality uses different no. series which wil be setup in the SmartTrade Setup. Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for SmartTrade Setup and click related link.

Scroll down to the Number Series tab and select a No. Series from the list in the Quick Sales / Purchase Order Nos. fields.


Quick Order Entry

There are two ways to use the SmartTrade Quick Order Entry functionality.

  1. From Customer
  2. Quick Order Entry Card


Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for Customers and click related link.

Select a customer and click the Quick sales Order via Actions > SmartTrade > Related.
This creates new Quick Order Entry Record for the selected customer. When necessary on the General tab select Ship-to code, Shipping agent, etc. and enter other relevant information like on a regular order.

The SmartTrade Quick Ord Entry Lines tab by default will only show items which are on inventory. Further information about Qty on Sales / Purchase orders and Price information can be found on the lines.

The search tab contains a Show items without inventory field to show all items. Also you can place a Quick filter on Search Name or Brand code to reduce the number of items shown.

Only thing users need to do is enter a Quantity for the items the customer wants to order and after all lines are doen press the Create Sales Order function to create a regular Sales Order.

Quick Order Entry Card

Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for SmartTrade Quick Sales Ord. Entry list and click related link.

Enter a Customer Name, select the correct customer and click New > New Document. SmartTrade creates a new Quick Order Entry record like described from the Customer list.



Since the SmartTrade Quick Order Entry works the same on both Sales and Purchase side we only describe the Sales side



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