Extended Text Setup

This chapter describes the setup to be done for using the SmartTrade Text module.

Extended Text

Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for SmartTrade Extended Text List and click the relevant link.

Click New to create a new extended text and enter a Code and Description and indicate if this text is used for Purchase, Sales or Both in the  Purchase/Sales field.

In the next section you can define the document types for which the Text can be used for. This is divided in a Sales and Purchase part.

Next you can indicate if the Text is meant to be used on document lay-outs like Order Confirmation or Invoice as a Header, Footer or Bottom text. This part is integrated with the SmartTrade Reporting module were SmartTrade reserves space on a document lay-out for a Header, Footer and/or Bottom text.

Default Lines

Press the Default lines option from the SmartTrade Extended Text List to define one one more text lines for the selected Extended Text code.

Select a Language code and enter your text in the Description field. You can enter as many lines as you like. For the Header, Footer and Bottom text the limitation is at 6 lines per text.

In the description field you are able to use 3 variables like %1, %2, %3. Each variable represents a field from a related which you can set with the Source Table No. and Source Field fields. So if you want an Item description within you text you can select the item table in the Source Table No. field and the Description field as the Source Field.

With the FontWeight, -Style and -Colour fields you can style you text. This only will be used on your Document Lay-outs when they have been prepared for this.

Based on the Document language the correct translation is selected to display/print.


The Extended Texts can be related to different masterdata records like Customer, Vendor and Item. With this you are able to enter additional specific text lines for that masterdata record.

So e.g. you have a default text belonging to an item you need to related this text to this item record. If you want to have an additional text per customer you can also select the same Extended Text code to one or more customers having additional text lines.


Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for Items and click the related link to open the Item list.

Select an Item and from the Item card select via Actions > SmartTrade > Setup > select Standard text link.

Select a Language code and Text code. To specify additional texts different then the standard text lines select Specific Lines and modify or add texts the same way as described in the Default Lines section above.


Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for Customers and click the related link to open the Customer list.

Select a Customer and from the Customer card select Standard Text via Actions > SmartTrade > Setup.

Select a Text code. The Language code is copied from the Customer card. To specify additional texts different then the standard text lines select Specific Lines and modify or add texts the same way as described in the Default Lines section above.


Use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for Vendors and click the related link to open the Vendor list.

Select a Vendor and from the Vendor card select Standard Text via Actions > SmartTrade > Setup.

Select a Text code. The Language code is copied from the Vendor card. To specify additional texts different then the standard text lines select Specific Lines and modify or add texts the same way as described in the Default Lines section above.





©HB Software B.V.

    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents