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HB Software

EDI Management Process

This paragraph describes the SmartTrade functionality to import EDI Order messages.

SmartTrade EDI module contains following standard message types based on the International EDIFACT standard:

    Price and Product catalog
    Import and processing sales orders
    Sending order confirmation based on imported ORDER messages
    Importing order changes based on imported ORDER messages
    Receiving instructions for despatch
    Sending despatch advise based on posted sales shipments
    Sending invoice messages based on posted sales invoices

Processing EDI Messages

To process EDI messages use the Tell me what you want to do function (Ctrl + Q) searching for SmartTrade EDI Message List and click the relevant link.

To import messages based on the EDI Message Type setup use the Retrieve Electronic Message(s) function. For all EDI Message Types with status Released SmartTrade will check the setup import file location and import all available files.
When an error occurs during import the file will be moved to the Error location.

From the SmartTrade EDI Message List you can process each individual message by using the Process Selected Message function or use the Process All Messages option.

If an error occurs during processing the imported messages you can find the error in the Last Error column

When posting a Sales Shipment or Sales Invoice SmartTrade will automatically create an EDI Message depending on customers setup. From the SmartTrade EDI Message List you can select one or more messages and use the Export Message option to export the files into the EDI Message type file location.


The SmartTrade EDI module does not transport messages from and to the trading partner. The process starts and ends at a local, network or cloud storage facility.



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