Release Notes 2024-Q1
This document describes the changes in the latest version of SmartTrade for Business Central that is available on the 1st of April 2024 and can be downloaded / updated from Microsoft App Source.
All functionality described in previous release notes still are available unless described otherwise in this document.
Productivity enhancements
Following product enhancements have been added:
Cost Calculation from Posted Invoice
It is now possible to enter the original cost calculation from the posted invoice ine. This was already possible for the posted sales invoices in previous updates and now also for the posted purchase invoice lines.
Additional Cost Components
Determining which Cost Calculation templates is applicable is usually done by Exit/Entry point and transport method (sea- / airfreight). This is setup via the vendor transport setup.
It is now possible to add specific cost lines based on the used vendor, customer or item.
On these masterdata cards you can setup an (additional) cost template which content will be added to the expected cost lines on a sales or purchase document.
Different inventory accounts
When goods are posted to sailing goods a sailing goods location can be setup based on the incoterm used. This to separate the sailing inventory value the company is owner of and which not.
This can be setup on the shipment method code by setting the Sailing Goods Interim flag. Based on this flag SmartTrade will determine which sailing goods location to use.
On the receiving location card you can setup different sailing goods locations for interim of regular posting. The posting setup for this sailing goods location will be used to determine the G/L Accounts to use like standard Business Central.
Transport Status
When the transport module is activated, a new status field will show on the sales- and purchase lines to indicate the transportorder status the lines are attached to.
GTIN numbers
A separate page has been added to show an overview of all assigned GTIN numbers. This page can be entered from the item card or -list and for all items.
(Un)Loading days/time for Logistic Service Provider
When making use of an external warehouse (logistic service provider) it is now possible to enter working days for that external warehouse which helps calculating the correct receipt- and delivery dates.
From the location card you can enter the related days per shipping agent (Actions > SmartTrade > Shipping Agent).
Availability by Lot
A new page has been added using Ctrl + L which shows detailed information about the availability per lot number. This page can be entered, just like the SmartTrade availability page (Ctrl + B) from several places like item list, sales lines, etc.
Availability Calculation
On places like the item list and availability pages like above mentioned lot availability page, two SmartTrade fields are present, Free on Inventory and Free for Sales. These fields indicate what you are able to promise to a customer considering the ATP (available to promise) and CPT (capable to promise) calculations.
Now your are able what setup in general or per item which documents need to taken into consideration for the calculation of the Free for Sales calculation.
You are able to setup your own availability calculations to select the horizon to look into and which documents to consider.
These can either be setup on the SmartTrade setup or per item.
Please check your user settings table to see whether new settings have been added which apply your needs to shield things like cost prices for certain users.
Problems solved
The following problems are resolved in this update:
Sales Price based on requested delivery date
Per customer you are able to setup based on which date sales prices will be suggested. The option based on the requested delivery date was not working properly. This has been fixed.
Update purchase lines after received to sailing goods
When purchase orders are received to sailing goods fields like ETA entry point could not be updated to the lines. This has been solved.
Performance document cost lines
It took quite some time to run the complete document cost lines table. This has been improved.
Current location
When a purchase order with multiple lines was partially posted all lines were update with the new current location. This only needs to happened for the actually received lines. This has been solved.
Also using when making use of the external warehouse receipt to transfer goods from sailing goods to the receiving location, the current location was not updated. This also has been fixed.
When using the copy document function from Business Central for a purchase order, the current location field was also copied accordingly. Now it will be reset to empty.
Manufacturer on purchase lines
When a Manufacturer-Item has been approved the manufacturer code needs to be transferred to the purchase line when this item/vendor combination is used. This was not happening.
Customer/vendor status
When according to a customer or vendor status code a certain document was blocked, it was not prevented to created such a document form a customer/vendor with this status. This has been fixed.
Calculation of ETA entry point
In several scenario's the ETA entry point field on the purchase order header and -lines were not always calculated correctly according to the transport time set between exit and entry point. This has been corrected.
Purchase currency vs document currency
In case an item had a foreign purchase currency like USD and the sales document had a different foreign currency like GBP, the calculation of LCY fields was not always correct. This has been solved.
Document cost lines without calculation no.
When creating a sales or purchase order manually and the blanket order no. on the lines is automatically entered or manually chosen, document cost lines without calculation no. were created (copied from the blanket order). When using the cost calculation function a new calculation was created with calculation no. and according document cost lines.
In some cases these 'double' cost lines could cause additional entries posted to g/l. This has been fixed.
Quote planning lines
When planning lines for multiple lines were created on a sales quote, these planning lines were overwritten when the quoted was transferred to a sales order.
This has been solved.
Dates on auto created transfer orders
When transfer orders were automatically created triggered by receiving goods to the sailing goods location, the shipment- and receipt date on the transfer order lines were not based on the planned- and expected receipt dates of that purchase order. This caused the availability calculation being incorrect.
Now the transfer shipment date is based on the purchase planned receipt date and the transfer receipt date is based on the purchase expected receipt date.
Undo receipt left transfer orders
With the possibility to automatically create transfer orders when posting sailing goods it could happen transfer orders left behind when the undo receipt function was used.
This is now prevented be showing an error when transfer orders exist and the undo receipt function is used.
Multiple lot no on transfer order
When a purchase line with multiple lot nos. were posted to sailing goods, the transfer order created for this only contained oen lot no. This has been corrected.
Order type on user setup
When the user setup for a user contained a value at the standard order type field, this value was not transferred to a sales document in case no other order type had been setup to the customer. This has been solved.
Remaining Blanket Qty on Purchase Line Factbox
Remaining blanket quantity fields on the purchase line factbox were not calculated correct.
This has been fixed.
Delivery dates based on ship-to time zone
Although the ship-to time zones for a ship-to address prevented deliveries on certain weekdays, it was still possible to plan a delivery for those days.
This has been corrected. An error will be shown when the expected delivery date is calculated on a closed data according to the ship-to time zones.
What's planned for next release
In this section we will highlight some of the coming improvements for SmartTrade' next release.
Auto approve call-off orders
Orders created manually and assigned to a approved blanket order will automatically be approved as well.
Document Sets
Next version it will be possible to setup for which documents a document set needs to be created. Not all document types make use of the document set functionality.
Microsoft has added a lot of new functionality into Business Central 2024 wave 1. More about this via this link.
©HB Software B.V.